Saturday, December 17, 2022

YouTube Video with Celebrity Anthony Padilla

Welcome to my Barefoot Blog! I'm excited about posting all things barefoot here as well as my personal experiences. Hope you follow me and comment too!

Recently, I was pretty excited to be with celebrity influencer Anothy Padilla in LA, where we filmed a conversation, talking about barefooting with two other very cool barefooters, Yoshua and Mara. We covered a lot here, including barefooting in snow, barefooting and the brain, possible reasons why some people have a foot fetish, earthing, and so much more. It was a blast and Anthony is the most non-judmental person I know. He even went for a barefoot run before my interview so he would have an experience to relate to! Impressive. We have 350,000 views and thousands of Likes and Comments.

It's possible that during the pandemic, people got outside and reconnected with the joys of being in nature. Looks like there is a lot of interest and the Barefoot Movement is underway...finally! 

And this week I held a Live workshop and now I'm offering the recorded session of this Barefoot NO-Boot Camp Online mini-course to help share the benefits, how to walk barefoot and how to create a barefoot practice, tips and science too. Go to to register and check out my Barefoot Movement Facebook page there too. Lauch Offer 50% Off until December 31, 2022.
Happy Barefooting!
Barefoot Sue

Friday, December 16, 2022

Welcome to My Blog

 Welcome to My Blog

My name is Barefoot Sue and over the last 12 years I have lived a barefoot lifestyle, even in the winter, and walked at least 1000 kilometres barefoot on the Camino pilgrimage route in Spain and Portugal on many different journeys while leading groups. 
During the pandemic, I wanted to help the youth stuck at home in their bedrooms with their phones, in isolation. I posted a TikTok video to invite them to join me on my Barefoot Journey. There was such a huge response, I posted another 15 second video barefoot on ice that broke and it is now Super Viral with 9.6 Million Views! I'm totally honoured and feel fulfilled to have inspired so many. Watch it here.
When I was 60 years old, (I'm 66 now) I ran a 50 Kilometer Ultra Marathon - half of it barefoot and the other half wearing a thin leather demi-soled barefoot shoe I designed called City Soles. It was such a thrill to come in FIRST in the 60-69 age group..mind you there weren't any other athletes in that category!
My daily practices include cold therapy, open water cold swimming, barefooting, breathwork, hiking, meditation, and I love to regularily plunge into an ice hole in the lake near my home in Muskoka, Canada. When I was on the Doctors TV show in 2021, there was a professor by the name of Mike Tipton, who is an expert on hypothermia and cold exposure, and when he saw me plunge in an ice whole in the lake he suggested that I was "cold habituated". I have to agree. 5 years ago I met Wim Hof when I participated in the Wim Hof Method Poland Expedition and that changed my life. I decided to become a WHM Certified Instructor and began teaching in 2018.
I take great pride in sharing my personal practice and teach others how to  begin to undomesticate their feet and rewild there body for better health. I started a new Rewilding Series of Online Micro-Courses to teach others. The first one, Barefoot NO-Boot Camp, a 90 minute workshop that was held online December 16, 2022, and is now available as a Recorded Session. here.  The next workshop is Cold Habituation and will be held on January 20, 2023. All courses are on sale until December 31, 2023 for 50% Off. 
Regular $68 US Sale $34 US. 
I'm excited about the potential for barefooting to become more socially acceptable and for more people to be adding it as part of their holistic practice. It is the number one Natural Biohack and you can start at any age!
If you want to read more about barefooting, check out my book How to Wear Bare Feet 
Thank you for being here... please go outside and put your barefeet on the ground, if you haven't already done so today. Mother Nature wants you!
  Let's stay connected Sole to Soul!
  Barefoot Sue